Field of Glory patched gloriously

Today Slitherine announced that Field of Glory PC, their digital version of the miniatures wargame system, has been patched to 1.2.8. This new version adds a ton of new features. For those curious about the game you can see a write up we did here a while back:

For information on the patch head over to the Slitherine site:

Patch features:

  • There is now a "Check for Updates" button on the main menu. This removes the need to download and install patches manually – it is all automated to ensure you get the latest version.

  • 17 new battles.

  • Double moves have been added. These allow strategic redeployment of troops within command radius but not close to any enemy.

  • Fog of War has been improved so that it’s possible to conceal lines of troops behind each other.

  • The evade logic has been changed to make it much more realistic.

  • Many AI improvements to make it select better combats, avoid combats it will not win and control its skirmishers better.
