LOTRO releases its November update and it is mammoth

Lord of the Rings Online announced a GINORMOUS patch today providing even more free content to totally free to play players and expanding on many classes and quests. The full patch notes are so large they had to be presented in outline format on their site and you can read them all here:


For the lazy I have, as usual, taken the honor of cut and pasting some of the jiggly bits.
Free and Premium players will now be able to enter the regions of Moria, Lothlórien, Mirkwood, and Enedwaith for FREE! We have adjusted the access of Free and Premium players. You may now follow the Epic Storyline through Moria, Mirkwood and, Enedwaith. This includes free access to the following:

  • The Legendary item system

  • Attain level 65

  • Access Moria, Mirkwood, Lothlórien, and Enedwaith regions

Note: You will still need to purchase the appropriate quest packs or expansion packs to access other content (quests, deeds, instances, classes, etc) in these areas.

Tasks are free repeatable quest that players can use to augment their leveling within the game world. Here are highlights of Tasks system:

  • Over 250 Tasks

  • 100% FREE to all players

  • Use existing trophy drops

  • NEW Deeds and Rewards

  • Available starting at level 8

  • Infinitely repeatable

For all of the details on this new system you can read Allan “Orion” Maki’s Developer Diary.

The Elf and Dwarf starting areas in Ered Luin have been completely revamped! Create a new character and try it out for yourself! You can read the all the details in Lauren “Budgeford” Salk’s developer diary.

You have given us a tremendous amount of feedback since our major overhaul of the Vault and Shared Storage systems. We’ve heard you! These systems have received a major rework. Read Ransroth’s Developer Diary for the full details.
