Pride of Nations beta: Seriously Paradox?

I was a little happy until Paradox pulled a Paradox:
Welcome to the beta of Pride of Nations! To be able to join, you need to fill in and print the attached NDA. Make  sure you get your forum name right. Send it to:

Paradox Interactive, floor 11
Åsögatan 108
118 29 Stockholm

We will start to accept applications after New Years Eve, and your NDA must  have arrived.

Are you serious? You can attach a PDF and email it to me but I cannot digitally sign it and send it back to you. Instead you want me to spend my money to snail mail a envelope to Sweden so I can test your game. Or better yet do you prefer carrier pigeon?

Give me a break. 1995 called they want their correspondence method back.


  1. I was a Alpha Tester/Data guy in the early phases of this game and its garbage. Like most Ageod games it will require a ton of patches and with each patch more problems will appear. The thing is these guys add stuff to the engine constantly and it effects all the AGEOD games at the same time when they release patches because they are all linked. Have fun buying this and waiting a year or two for it to kind of work.


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