A while back John Tiller asked his gamers to provide him with feedback on what they would like to see in his wargames.
You can read about that here: http://bluntforcegamer.com/?p=3500
Those results have finally been posted over on the main page of his website:
In a quick summary here is a breakdown of the post:
You can read about that here: http://bluntforcegamer.com/?p=3500
Those results have finally been posted over on the main page of his website:
In a quick summary here is a breakdown of the post:
We were very pleased with the response to our survey both in number of submissions and the quality of your ideas. It was also gratifying to see such a good overlap between games we want to develop, or are currently developing, and games you want to play. Your specific survey responses are being shared with the scenario designers. Here is a summary of what you told us you are interested in:
- Panzer Campaigns - Probably the biggest response area. You suggested over twenty five new games in this series you are interested in seeing.
- Civil War Battles - Suggestions were along the lines of addressing the remaining major battles and adding some new features to complete the series
- Napoleonic Battles - You identified about seven battles needed to complete the series with Leipzig and the Peninsula being the major ones
- Squad Battles - Another big response area. You suggested about fourteen new games in this series of interest to you.
- Modern Campaigns - Plenty of responses here, totalling around eleven different game ideas.
- Strategic War - Completing the World War II in Europe series is definitely a priority here plus I'm working on several new implementations of the game engine in other eras.
- Panzer Battles - A new series with no specific games announced yet, but lots and lots of interest in this.
- Early American Wars - The suggestions were to expand the series concept to include all kinds of different small scale wars from around the world.
- Musket and Pike - You definitely want more games in this series with a total of twelve games being suggested.
- First World War Campaigns - This series has started off with a bang and you want more games in all of the First World War theaters.
- Naval Campaigns - You had about ten new game ideas for this series that would greatly expand its scope.
Modern Air Power - Your suggestions for this series cover both historical and hypothetical future air combat.
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