Hearthstone beta

FINALLY I got into the Hearthstone beta. I just played for about 5 hours. 

My nastiest combo ended up being a magic coin to give me 2 mana on turn one, then casting two mirror images, all with taunt. This gave me 4 minions on turn 1. IF I got this draw in my first hand I won 100% of the time. Its a nasty combo. Only happened twice for me

Before I tweaked this deck I lost 7 times in a row.
Started off rough. My best deck was my Mage deck at first but then my rogue deck caught up after a lot of tweaking.
Started off rough. My best deck was my Mage deck at first but then my rogue deck caught up after a lot of tweaking.

Quite a good first night in #Hearthstone. I earned about 3 free packs I think, unlocked 9 out of 9 of the classes by beating them all against random players on the webz and finished with 13 wins

I like TCG's and deck building. Plus you really have to give it thought and strategy and tweak your decks. Gameplay is great, you can earn and craft cards without busting your wallet, and reasons to level are worth it.

I built a mage deck that centers on summoning tons of murlocs ive just been randomly playing people all night
